Creating a Culture of Positivity and Gratitude

Creating a Culture of Positivity and Gratitude

Culture plays a huge role in the success of your Fit Body Boot Camp, and you have 100% control over it. The actions that you, your team members, and your clients take influence the culture at your location. So how do you build a culture you can be proud of?

Encourage Positivity

First, point out what your clients are doing right. Tell them how they’ve been consistent with their training, how they’re making healthier choices than they’re used to making, and that they’re inspiring those in their inner circle to live their best lives. Positive reinforcement is much more powerful than criticism.

Express Gratitude

You can show gratitude to your clients by doing nice things for them. You could send them a “thank you” card in the mail or bring them coffee in the morning once a month. All you’re saying is, “Hey, I’m grateful for your business at Fit Body Boot Camp.”

Win Referrals

Next, you want to use that gratitude to ask for referrals. Say, “Hey Mrs. Jones, I love that you train with us here at Fit Body Boot Camp, but the ultimate compliment you could pay me is to send me your friends, family, and coworkers so I can help them achieve their fitness goals.” That will bring more like-minded people into your boot camp, and your culture will blossom as a result.

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